Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday - My Art - Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Horror - Burning

Burning - First published as the March 2005 cover for Aoife's Kiss.

Have you ever had a burning desire?  Something that consumes you?  Something that filters into all of your thoughts and dreams?  How do you tame it?  How do you feed it?  How do you turn it off?  What is your burning desire. . .fame, fortune, love, beauty, power, healing, revenge, the list goes on and on.  Do you covet the gem, release it onto the world, destroy it, or try to turn and twist it into something for the highest good for all.  Not an easy task.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Saturday - Stories and illustrations for children - sorcerers - OOPS

First published by Spellbound - A Fantasy Magazine for Children, Summer, 2002, Sorcerers

You have on your magic hat and magic cape.  You have just gotten a brand new magic wand.  You stand in front of the full length mirror, wave your wand, and chant those super magic words and . . . 
You have turned yourself into a frog!
Now what do you do?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday - My Art - Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Horror - Wizard Old Yew

First published in Glyph: The Journal of Fantasy and Legend
Issue 8, 2002

It was the illustration for the story:

Old Yew and the Consequences of Conduct
by Genevieve Williams

Saturday, September 6, 2014

My Sunday Funnies - Mystery - Wrong Bag

First published in FMAM - Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine, Spring 2003

Saturday - Stories and illustrations for children - Fairy houses

While traveling last summer we stopped at a ceramic place that had maps so that you could locate the fairy doors that were scattered all over the building.  I loved the idea and decided that I would make a fairy door some day and some fairy/elf/gnome houses.

This is one of my first fairy homes. The door doubles as steps into the house. The learning curve was how to change a thrift store small decorative birdhouse into a house with a door and then how to make a door to fill the empty spot.

I used a water resistant wood glue for the wood areas and E-6000 for the rocks. I bought water resistant Patio Paint (available in 2 OZ containers at Ben Franklin, small brass screws and wood hearts.

This has been so much fun. A final photo and full directions will follow including photos of my mini-garden. So come back and visit. This would be a great winter project so everything will be ready for your elves, gnomes, and fairies to move in this coming spring.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Squirrelly Thursday - Out there on a limb!

Do you ever have one of those days when you feel like you are just barely hanging in there? That you are out there on a limb?  Here is one of my very flexible squirrels looking for peanuts - She is really hanging on out on a limb.