Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Jack White - Wayfaring Stranger (Live)

Tomorrow for the first time I will be the photographer at a memorial service and also be singing this song and playing my drum. I hope it all goes well.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Cat steals the kittens' toy and then tries to play with them

Yanjing decides to steal the feral kittens' toy and then tries to pet/play with them.

Ferals Cats - update - Miss Molly, Houdini, and Fuzzy Wuzzy

This is a video of the mother of my cat Yanjing. Miss Molly is also the mother to Houdini the tiger striped one in the middle, and to Fuzzy Wuzzy the one on the right. They all have been neutered/spayed, given their shots, and dewormed.  They have been returned to their home under the neighbors deck but still come and have meals when they want on my back deck.